
Sorry, guys..

Sorry everyone, I've been really bad at updating the last couple weeks so I'm going to make it official hiatus. I've been lacking the motivation as well as the confidence to continue with pages right now. The plan for the coming weeks/months is to just draw everything type of thing as much as possible to get back and boost my confidence in my abilities. Part of this will include all sorts of concept art for KE so I can really get a good grasp on what I want the world to look like instead of having vague, scattered thoughts kept inside my head. I also want to try and come with a shorthand drawing style so I can get pages done and the story out to you guys. I'd rather have a great story and something that looks alright then some beautiful thing that doesn't make any sense. 

I will also be looking into another way of posting/hosting the comic as blogspot does not do what I really want it to. any suggestions or idea would be great.